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Dear Jesus

by Terry Rutledge © 2008

Joel Osteen introduced me to you.
on a night while home with nothing to do.
Surfing the channels for a story or show,
Joel was interesting and someone to know.

He had charisma and spoke with such class.
It felt his messages were to good to pass.
He told jokes at the start of the show.
That made you enjoy it not wanting to go.

We tuned in each week to watch him more.
He talked of scriptures and you we adore.
he talked of you lord, King of Kings,
sent down to do miraculous things.

The bible tells us you came to earth,
Scriptures say you had a miraculous birth.
you came down to save all men from sin,
crucified, buried and rose again.

I took you that night into my heart.
My life is changed. I have a new start.
It's like I'm in some sort of dream.
Because of a preacher named Osteen.

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