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by T Rock © 2022

Millions bound together each year, always a best-seller
Far greater than anything in this world, imagine interstellar
Truthful, Inciteful, hopeful, beautifully full of the Spirit
A prized possession, worshipped; an innate desire to be near it

Breathed and scribed to teach, protect, encourage, and save
The key and path to salvation, a gift to rise from the grave
Every word is inspired by the Spirit; covenants to last for all time
Mysteries, a source of power, both natural and sublime

Precepts, promises, prophecy, proverbs, poetry, and prose
Statues, commands, history, testimonies to the day He rose
Though banned, burned, and debunked with hateful scorn
Hidden away, chastised, ignored, defaced, and torn

Viscously hung on the cross; the word would not perish
Still, it grew throughout the world for all to cherish
Society may try to forget, deny, and destroy the Bible
His words will not pass away; humanity will be held liable

It remains indestructible, everlasting, for eternity to behold
A living book, a treasure worth more than silver or gold
Once and for all it will be resurrected when Jesus returns
Foretold in its pages, a new Kingdom born as the old one burns

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. Matthew 24:35

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