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My God

by John Thorne © 2015

Some people find God in church or a book
Some never find him and some never look
But I see my God in the blessings he gives
And the love all around me confirms that he lives

The heavenly splendour in every night sky
The breeze in the trees causing branches to sigh
The birdsong that greets us and wakes us each morn
The sunrise that brings his light to the dawn

My God is in thistledown blown in the breeze
In mountains and valleys and blossom in trees
In meadows in springtime still damp from the dew
And the gold of the wheat fields when harvest is due

My God is the sunlight that glints on the sea
The perfume from flowers, the fragrant pine tree
He's even in thunder, lightning and gales
But his goodness and mercy to me never fails

My God is in every good deed that we do
In a mothers broad smile when her baby is due
In the music that's made by choirs and bells
And the silence that fills the deep wooded dells

God is my comfort at the end of the day
He's alive in my conscience to ensure I don't stray
He's the cherished support for people in need
And the bounty so all of his creatures can feed

He forgives all my sins and offers no blame
His boundless faithfulness stays just the same
My God is the trinity three in one
Mt steadfast friend whilst life's journey is run

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