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Breaking News!

by Belinda van Rensburg

Read all about it! Breaking news!
The whole world is in chaos and confused!
Read all about it! Hot off the press!
It is the truth; no more nor less!

Scientists wonder and governments probe
Why some went missing all around the globe;
Last night folk went on their merry way
But consternation reigns supreme today.

Many children are no longer in their cots;
What could have happened to those tiny tots?
Older folk and young ones too
Left without so much as an adieu.

Many members of the human race
Simply vanished without the slightest trace;
What could have happened; where could they be?
Did they evaporate, hide or flee?

Read all about it! Breaking news!
Here is an update on yesterday's views!
Read all about it! Hot off the press!
Find out the reason for our great distress!

That which few believed could ever be
Has now happened for all the world to see;
The Son of Man descended on the clouds
And was met in the air by crowds.

Graves gave up their dead in Him -
All those souls redeemed from sin;
Billions watched in stunned dismay
As their friends were snatched away.

How could this happen; how can it be?
We were just too obstinate to see
That Jesus Christ is the only Way -
Now we have missed Him by a day!

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