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Send Your Rain, Oh Lord!

by Sylvia Wilson © 2009

As Your rain Lord, pours down from heaven,
Let each drop full in beauty, come nigh
Bringing life to the earth and within me,
Send your rain, Oh Dear Lord, let it lie

Cooling drops revealing all of Your wonder,
As I feel the fine dew and the rain
Moisture silently, touching my body,
Warming my heart and mind, both the same.

Watching butterflies, returning from shelter,
Stretching widely, their beautiful wings,
Creatures dashing, to new-fangled places
Like the caged bird set free, they do sing!

Fragrant winds blowing beneath my window,
Vibrant rhythms, beating fast on my door
Gray skies departing and changing to sapphire,
Rainbows promised, appearing once more!

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