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Contend For The Faith

by Margaret Cagle

Jude's epistle gives Godly advice.
"Contend for the faith," he wrote.
This advice was written to Christians
In the early church age, we note.

Jude's wise Godly exhortation
Is good for all Christians today.
If we follow Christ's example,
We will stand for God's holy way.

Yes, wrong has always been sin,
And sin has always been wrong.
Even in this modern church age,
Our faith should still be strong.

"Contend" means to fight or strive
In a battle or even in a race.
We may have to fight for the right
When certain issues we must face.

Some want us to change our beliefs
To adjust to society's changing ways.
God's way is "contend for the faith"
Though we live in these modern days.

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