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Fallen Through the Cracks

by Belinda van Rensburg

There he sits, forlornly staring
On the sidewalk all alone;
Wholly hopeless and uncaring -
Nameless, faceless and unknown.

No hearth nor home to call his own
No loved ones at his side;
His heart is empty; turned to stone
He's lost all dignity and pride.

What brought him to this point, I wonder
Why has he fallen so?
What dark force tore his life asunder
Is there nowhere he could go?

Did life break him; leave him scarred
Did he try but fail to cope?
Was survival just too hard
What made him loose all faith and hope?

Did he loose his job and home
When the market crashed?
Is this why he's forced to roam
The streets and live off smelly trash?

Was it drink which brought him low
Destroyed his precious life;
Left him without a place to go -
Bereft of children and a wife?

There he sits; filthy and staring
His frame just skin and bones;
Tattered rags are what he's wearing;
They're everything he owns.

So many souls fall through the cracks
And are left behind,
Yet they could all get back on track
When Jesus breaks their chains which bind.

No one is beyond redemption;
No one's too far gone -
God will save without exception
All who believe in Christ, His Son.

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