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12 Steps to Abundant Living

by Deb Raab

To "work the steps" the first time shows,
How far I have yet to go.
But, without the Lord walking me through,
There isn't much that I can do.

With Him, is where I can be strong,
To really look at what is wrong.
And to realize how far I've come,
The "pit" He delivered me out from.

Step One, I realize the power I lack,
To get "the monkey" off my back.
It took the work on Step Two,
To know this is something I can't do.

Step Three requires giving up control,
Turning over my life and soul,
To my Lord who knows it all.
With Him, I can tear down my wall.

Step Four is one that's hard for me,
My character defects, I have to see.
My strengths I have to look at too,
With Jesus, this step, I'll get through.

Step Five, I take my list from step four,
And reveal myself, down to the core.
To God, myself and someone I trust,
For healing this confession is a must.

Step Six, to be willing from within,
To let go of my defects and my sin.
Step Seven, God, my mind renew,
Transform me to be like You.

Step Eight, I list those I've hurt,
And I pray not to feel like dirt.
Again, I need a willing heart,
To make amends and do my part.

I make direct amends to those people in Step Nine,
After I do, I really feel Christ's love shine.
Another personal inventory is Step Ten,
I feel like I'm doing step four again.

Step Eleven, I make Jesus my best friend,
Pray for His will and strength to send.
Step Twelve, I'm on fire to spread the news,
So that others can experience Him, too.

This poem won first place for the May 2006 poetry contest

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