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by patricia guinn

A tortured man bent down by shame
Sin running down his sleeve
Guilt pours out from every pore
For much he has to grieve

A self-indulgent path he's walked
Not thinking of tomorrow
He's kept his eyes upon himself
No thoughts of earthly sorrow

He has let his own desires
Paint the picture he wanted to see
He made his world so fine and bright
He was blinded from true destiny

But in the end his soul must turn
And see the road he's paved
Not shining gold, but twisted roots
No throne, just a simple grave

This tortured man now stands alone
Not knowing where to go
How could anyone want him now
To satan he's sold his soul

Then in the distant darkness
He hears a soothing voice
A Shepard calling for lost sheep
He's given one more choice

Another soul redeemed by God
What a great and glorious thing
One more cracked and broken heart
That with His love shall sing

Because our Heavenly Father knows
That the greater a sinners story
Is just more proof to all who look
Of the power of His Glory

How great that One so perfect
Will forgive this sinful man
No longer bent by winds of fate
Standing tall in God's Healing Hands

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