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A Mother's Heart

by Deborah Ann Belka

Sometimes as mother's,
we are not appreciated
and over the years . . .
our love has depreciated.

But, no matter what . . .
our kids feel about us today
they are still our pride . . .
and our joy on this day.

We did what was best,
with what we once knew
we loved them so very much
as they matured and grew.

They didn't always like us,
and often made us cry . . .
for to be a mother it is hard
to keep our eyes dry.

We raised them to be adults,
to respect, to love, to share
and often they reminded us
that we weren't always fair.

To be a mother takes work,
it is not an easy simple job
and so often later on in life
our child comes back to rob.

To rob us of our worth,
our actions and our views
and to remind us that is why
from our life, they withdrew.

If you have a black sheep,
like one of my children is to me
then I pray that one day . . .
God will heal and set them free!


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