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A Tattered Quilt

by patricia guinn

Before you judge the life I've lived
Remember that God paves our roads
So many things I needed to learn
If His Glory I was ever to behold

Only He can count my sins
Wellworn patchworks in my mind
All that rent and raveled cloth
I asked Him to rebind

I begged Him to forgive me
Through Jesus Christ's sweet name
I laid out for Him my blanket of sin
And uncovered all of my shame

The Glory of The Fathers love
That He wanted this tattered quilt
His Hands gently mended the stitches
And washed away the stain of my guilt

I shall always have imperfections
I will never sew a straight line
But my Glorious God still wants me
And He knows I'll get better with time

Our mistakes in life don't matter
It's the lessons we learn from them
And it's what we do with that knowledge
That matters the most to Him

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