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The Renewed Covenant

by Preston Morse © 2009

Through Your mercy and grace.
I have come to know Your face.
While laid before Your throne.
Where Your tenderness is shone.

The Living Word I did hear.
And Your Set Apart name I have learned to fear.
Brought out of the darkness of deceit.
So i can bow before Your feet.

Where Your depths continue to magnify and grow.
Revealing the Truth that only You can show.
Love has come knocking at my door.
I will open and accept it over the threshing floor.

For the day is coming, just as You planned.
Israel will be drawn into Your Promised Land.
The Bride and Bridegroom entwined as One.
Forever united, nothing left undone.

To fulfill this promise I will hearken to keep
Those Truths and Statutes You have given to Your sheep.
You are our Shepherd and we Your flock.
So we must be ready when You come to knock.

Only by You can we become complete.
Through Your sacrifice we will surely defeat.
The Great Accuser our darkest enemy.
In Your Searing Light his kingdom shall flee.

And when that day has come at last.
Our bodies will be transformed so very fast.
Your Truth and our spirit will align.
While Your Love for us will perpetually shine.

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