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Wham Bam! Big Bang!

by Belinda van Rensburg

Zillions of years ago
(So the 'Big Bang' theory goes)
A boiling hot primordial mess
Experienced far too much stress;
It exploded with a 'Bang'
Followed by a 'Wham' and 'Twang'!

Wham Bam! Big Bang!
Oh what nonsense; what a sham!

The Universe was 'born' that day:
Galaxies went on display;
Space began to move; expand
(All this happened quite unplanned).
How do we this come to know?
Scientists tell us it is so.

Wham Bam! Big Bang!
Oh what nonsense; what a sham!

Is it easier to believe
This lie of lies meant to deceive
Passed on to us by hell's own traitor
Than to credit our Creator?
The truth is God made all that is;
All of Creation's truly His.

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