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Who is for the Lord?

by Belinda van Rensburg

He stood at the entrance leaning on his staff
His anger; sorrow far too much to bear;
The Israelites have made themselves a golden calf;
They're prone to evil; blind and unaware.

''Whoever's for the Lord come unto me!''
His voice fell like a knife upon their ears
The Levites rallied close; from evil they did flee
Repenting of their sins and turning from their fears.

No other gods are we to worship; follow
Nothing in all creation idolize -
All those useless 'gods' such as Odin and Apollo
Should be outright rejected and despised.

There is only one King in all creation
(One not made of flesh or carved from stone)
He alone is worthy of our love and adoration:
The Lamb of God who sits upon the throne.

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