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Hogpin 2 Jesus Wins

by Ryan Caldwell

Lost and alone; salvation unknown.
Drugs and strongholds made the evil-one known.
Strength overtaken, near death three times.
Addictions and afflictions, many of each kind.
Freedom vanished, locked behind barred doors.
Six months of insomnia, pacing concrete floors.
Freedom returned gaining untruthful respect.
Addictions again, dying to inject.
Loved ones and reality gained semi-control.
Deep inside the dark one had hold.
Just as life met the end of it's rope.
A witness from the Lord spoke a glimmer of hope.
A chance to change for better.
And a life that lasts forever.
Down on my knees I met Christ.
Filled with love and empty of strife.
Blinded no more and chained no longer,
The Lord my Shepard hath made me stronger.
Living to know him and to make him known.
The lost and dying need to be shown.
The love of Christ thru the light of our lamp.
Not to grade sin or put on a stamp.
No time for that, work to be done.
Sharing the gospel and souls to be won.
Eternal motivation and promises I keep.
Guided by light patiently I seek.
I never thought anyone would love me for me.
Till God sent his son to die for me.
On my knees all the time thanking God above,
For the blood of your son that's sitting above.

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