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Don't give up

by Ryan Caldwell

Life's worth living.
Despite all pain, we can't give in.
How can we love, when we express hate?
Sear a guilty mind, it can seal an empty fate.
Thoughts are rambunctious, words are irate.
We are our brother's keeper
From a cliff that's growing evermore steeper.
We're worthy of love, though we may feel it not.
It will come to pass, God has not forgot.
Joy is a choice, and a gift that's been given.
The thief will steal it, can't give him a smidgen.
We're not made to walk this road alone.
Do all you can, someone's barely holding on.
Hurry quick, Before they are gone.
Before we get to a ledge.
Let's all make a pledge.
To watch for ones sinking in sand
Avoid not warning signs.
A lengthened arm; a lending hand.
For I dedicate this to a friend.
What sorrow for you to go.
How I'll miss you so, I love you man.

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