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Gods Gift

by patricia guinn

If God in all His wisdom
Should take a falling star
And press it firmly in His Hand's
Making a thousand tiny shards

Then throw them down upon the earth
Gifts falling down to you
What if you could catch one
A love that shines so true

Reach out your hand and grab it
Bring it close unto your heart
Hold it gently in your hands
Be faithful from the start

For God has sent you something special
Another chance to learn
He's given you just what you need
Your path in life has turned

And now each day you waken
With new hope in your soul
You know He'll make you strong enough
For today's heavy toll

Now you know that by your side
Stands Someone tried and true
One who will guide you
And help you when you're blue

Someone who truly knows you
And loves you anyway
That shiny glimmer of fallen star
God's Love once sent your way

Nuture that shimmering ray of hope
Make it grow and fill your life
Give it love and all it needs
Toss out the weeds of strife

Share this gift God gave to you
Let it swell within your heart
Knowing on this glorious day
You can make a brand new start

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