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Our Sin's

by patricia guinn

You carried our cross to Calgary
And offered Your life so the world could see
The glory of what true love can do
Your gift to all who believe in You

Alone You bore the weight of our sins
You kept Your eyes forward, our future to win
You never cried out for help with Your load
Faithfully You carried us up that long lonely road

It was our sins they nailed to that rough wooden cross
Your blood to redeem all the souls that were lost
As each precious drop fell down to the earth
It shone with the brilliance of Your Holy Worth

You offered Yourself, You accepted our pain
While Your Fathers tears swelled the heavens with rain
You bought our souls for the ultimate price
Your sacrifice brings us eternal life

Thank You Jesus for Your precious love
One perfect soul now reigning above
Forever more I will kneel at Your feet
And praise You for Your love so sweet

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