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My favorite season

by Suzanne Wagner Guinn

My favorite season is the spring:
…..When life anew is peeking out
…..And colors soft and fresh are clean,
…..New hope returns without a doubt
…..And longer nights all flee the scene.
My favorite season is the summer:
…..Days are bright with azure skies and sun
…..Gardens burst with food and blooms.
…..Life fills days with outdoor work and fun.
…..And special days for brides and grooms.
My favorite season is the fall.
…..As rains refresh the waiting soil,
…..Colors dab and paint the trees.
…..Harvest brings rewards of toil
…..And thankful pilgrims on their knees.
My favorite season is the winter.
…..The peace and rest of snowfall's white
…..Renews alike the soul and ground.
…..The earth's asleep `neath blankets, light
…..With sleeping creatures all around.
For the Infant of the Nativity
Is the Master of Creativity.
Thus every season is the best.
I cannot pick one from the rest.

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