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A Searching Heart

by Danette Kettwich

I lay here and I simply wait
An answer to my fleeting faith.
Can answers come by dangling bait?

If I propose a servant's heart,
Will You who blesses not depart?
What's life's purpose, what is my part?

Will it be a struggle all my days?
Life with stresses and weary ways?
A residing place that trouble stays?

Demonstrate how to really feel.
A calmness that is so surreal
Please answer this hearts last appeal.

Absolute love for all life's time;
I give away this heart of mine.
Remove the fetters that do confine.

In desperation I do come.
This life I have is so undone.
I am weary I can not run.

Carry me to a cleansing spring
A place of rest where souls can sing
My heart is all I have to bring.

A desperate life has now become
A soul of struggle, now undone.
Love that demonstrates grace has won.

Praise to the Father and His Son!

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