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This Moment in Time

by Belinda van Rensburg

The Past is frozen, it no longer flows;
What's already happened, everyone knows.
It's gone, it's solid - it cannot be changed;
For better or worse it can't be exchanged.

The Future's obscure, it has yet to come;
A time of concern and fear for some;
Looked forward to with ambition or lust -
Much better to leave it with God in trust.

The Present's lit up with eternal rays;
Today is indeed the best of days.
Love looks to this moment, the now and the here;
The time when our Father is present and near.

We should look with gratitude to the past,
Having borne righteous fruit that will last;
Our future hopes, our dreams and our plans
Can be left in the Father's good hands.

Right now, today, this moment in time
We need to reach out and touch the Divine;
To honor the Lord, to cling to our King;
Forsaking ev'ry unholy thing.

Let's love as if there is no tomorrow;
Not allowing regrets or sorrow
To steal and ruin even one more day,
But live for Jesus right now - today.

(This poem is based on:
"- for the Past is frozen and no longer flows, and the Present is all lit up with eternal rays", and
"Gratitude looks to the past and love to the present; fear, avarice, lust and ambition look ahead." by C.S. Lewis (The Screwtape Letters))

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