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The Day Is Fast Approaching

by Gertrude Jefferies

There's a rumbling in the distance,
But growing closer every day,
And from all the signs around me,
I'd say the Lord is on his way!

For he tells us in the Scripture,
That like a thief at night he'll come
Catching many people off guard
And the countdown has begun.

All the efforts of the media
Seem to be of one accord:
You can have your cake and eat it,
Your own pleasure is your reward.

No one seems to care that one day,
Mankind will stand before the Lord,
Giving an account of their lives,
And their reaction to his Word.

For each day the rumbling's nearer,
Than it was the day before,
Please, won't someone heed this warning
His return is at the door!

While this period of his grace,
Means the door is open wide,
Won't you do yourself a favor,
Take his hand, and step inside.

This poem won second place for the June 2012 poetry contest

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