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Mother's Heart

by Benjamin Anabaraonye

Precious Mother's heart
Holding dear her children
Oh,the joy she imparts
Encouraging, motivating them

Praying Mother's heart
Powerful on her knees
Listen and hear her start
To render to God her pleas

Pure and true a heart
From which flows deep intercession
For her family that God should thwart
The enemy's evil intentions

Patient Mother's heart
Beautiful and blessed
Love, compassion fills every part
Comforting those distressed

Peace-loving a heart
Gentle and generous
Caring, sharing her art
Virtuous and vivacious

Preaching from her heart
Telling her children of Christ
Choose Him and be His stalwart
She admonishes day and night

Praise fills my heart
Thanking God for her
Gift that will never depart
Forever there'll be no other

Priceless Mother's heart
Meek and mild
Taught me to be wise and smart
Thank you Mom....Glad I'm your child!

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