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by Albert Watson

'Hi young man, do you have any bread?'
Andrew the disciple, to me came and said.
'Yes, I've five loaves and two little fish.'
He cried out 'Lord, take a look at this.'

They took the food right out of my hands,
Seemingly no concern for my hunger pangs.
They then requested we sit on the grass,
After a prayer my food they did pass.

I didn't quite hear, the prayer Jesus said,
Or whatever happened to my fish and bread.
But after serving five thousand or more,
Twelve baskets of bread they picked off the floor.

And when I got home, I told mom and dad,
About the wonderful day that I'd just had.
I believe now my mission, is to tell all I can,
Of Jesus the Prophet, this wonderful man.

This poem was a finalist in the April 2010 poetry contest

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