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Trusting Jesus

by Cindy Wyatt

When we trust Christ as our savior,
old things are passed away and all things are new
all because of God's wonderful grace
when Christ paid our sin debt that was due

God gave his own son to save us
and he will also with him give us all things
When we trust him with our cares and burdens
he'll put a melody in our heart that rings

Jesus is always at hand
and is grieved when he sees distrust in our heart
since he has already promised
he would never leave us or depart

When we think of all the trials and tribulations,
and the world is full of them,
we can remember that Christ has overcome the world
and we can have victory through him

We can be joyful through trials and afflictions
for when we are weak is when we are strong
since Jesus will carry our load for us
and to him we will always belong

Hebrews 13:5 for he hath said I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

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