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Be Still

by jeff oliver

Be still, God's got his hand upon your heart.
Be still, He's preparing you for your part.
Be still, He'll tell you when to go.
Be still, There's still a lot you need to know.
Be still, He is removing all your sin.
Be still, The Holy Spirit's moving in.
Be still, And start reading from his word.
Be still to know the truth of what you've heard.

Go slowly, He wants to know if you can stand.
Go slowly, He is starting to let go of your hand.
Go slowly, There are tests you have to pass.
Go slowly, Satan will tempt you and harass.
Go slowly, God is still there by your side.
Go slowly, Your new life will be a bumpy ride.
Go slowly, You are starting to grow strong.
Go slowly to the Lord you now belong.

Start running, for through Jesus is victory.
Start running and give Jesus the glory.
Start running when the Spirit rises in you.
Start running, For the Lord has seen you through.
Start running, Jesus is smiling while you're praising.
Start running, His love for us is so amazing.
Start running, There are souls to bring to him.
Start running, Our time on earth is getting slim.

Now rest, My good and faithful saint.
Now rest, For through each trial you did not faint.
Now rest, Come and kneel down at my throne.
Now rest, This robe and crown are now your own.
Now rest, Your mansion lies just over there.
Now rest, Walk streets of gold without a care.
Now rest, The Lord's presence is all around.
Now rest, The Lord's praise is the only sound.
Now smile, With Jesus you can talk face to face.
Jesus smiled, He is so glad you run your race.

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