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Rise Up

by jeff oliver

Rise up my children, it's time to get out in the streets
You say my spirit is what's guiding you, but you seem frozen in your seats
I did not call you to just sit in here, a weekend warrior's not what I need
There's way too many lost souls out there, my sheep you need to feed
What did you expect when you signed up and called my name
Were you expecting big bank accounts and all the world's acclaim
You know that in heaven a rich man is hard to find
Do you want to be rich or saved, don't lie I know your mind
I called you because I love you and seen a work that you could do
So why do you ignore my voice and just kick back on that pew
What if I had kicked back, too, and not heeded God's command
This world would be totally lost, there would be no Christian in the land
But I loved you more than life, the way you SHOULD love me
For your sins I paid the price, see my hands, that was the fee
You are not what you say you are or you would be out there talking to the lost
If you are on fire for me why are your feet collecting frost?
It's not because I'm not around, I am with you every day
It's because you're so lost in this world you do not hear the words I say
I'm glad you're in this church today, You need to repent of all your sin
When you kneel down at this altar we will try it all again
What I want you to do is tell sinners about my name
And do not fight with each other, you should all be so ashamed
You say that you are Christians, but you act like senseless beasts
If you do not respect yourself, you should show me some at least
Now, my children, go out there and bring lost souls to me
For my wrath is soon to fall, this is my FINAL plea

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