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Come and Dine

by Gertrude Jefferies

The invitation says, Come and dine,
What a blessed privilege divine.
To sit with Him, from His table share
And enjoy the fellowship so dear.
But we're so busy we don't take time,
To accept His offer, to
Come and dine.

Even though we're busy with His work,
From His calling, we would never shirk.
But we need to stop and rest a while,
And be refreshed by His blessed smile.
His heart is glad when we take the time,
To stop, and with Him,
Come and dine.

The table is spread with all we need,
But it's up to us to come and feed.
To work in His vineyard, we must be
Able to share of His mysteries.
So let me urge you one more time,
Please heed the Saviour's call:
Come and dine.

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