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At The Feet of Jesus

by Gertrude Jefferies

Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
What an awesome place to be,
There allowing Him to show me
Things I did not know or see.

Things of worldly selfish pleasures,
That so deeply had been etched
On my heart through years of drifting,
And had caused so much distress.

There were times when I would follow
selfishly, my own desires.
Then I'd cry to Him for rescue,
Walking through consequential fires.

In His love and in His mercy,
He would hear my earnest plea,
Rescue me from all my folly
Then how happy I would be.

But one day, I came before Him.
Gave to Him my heart, my all.
Now we walk in sweet communion
Jesus is my all in all.

Every day He grows more precious,
As he cleanses and refines,
Fills my life with His divine will,
Stamps on me His own design.

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