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-Heaven and Hell-

by Bryan Miles

An angel of light was sitting on a cloud
The most beautiful angel of all in the crowd
He was called the Son of Morning, the start of every day
But sometimes our hearts get completely in the way
I'm sure his harp was polished, I'm sure his gown was white
His wings could probably fly to the very highest height
Straight up to God's throne, I'm sure he could fly
But he was cast down, let me tell you why

There must have been a mirror that reflected his beauty
Forgetting his purpose, neglecting his duty
He worshiped himself, and proceeded to ride
High above himself, puffed up, filled with pride
He decided that he would sit on God's throne
He was greater than God, wanting heaven for his own
He recruited other angels by the songs that he sings
Broken inside, and broken of wings
But like the bible says, pride hastens a fall
And God cast them down, He lowered them all

There's a hot liquid brewing, and bubbling beneath
Where there's crying and weeping, and gnashing of teeth
The demons dance proudly around every flame
Announcing to Satan, every soul and each name
That they have brought with them to the eternal lake of fire
The suffering continues, the flames just get higher

Yes, Satan was an angel, an angel of light
Who turned off the switch, and put up a fight
He had everything, but that wasn't enough
He wanted to be God, he wanted His stuff
He wanted a throne, but he didn't want to bow
Now all of his subjects are bowing to him now
They are bowing to him now, by believing his lies
There isn't any heaven sitting in the skies
There isn't any heaven, and there isn't any hell
And many are falling for the lies he can tell
But believe me my friend, don't wait till it's too late
Without the blood of Jesus, there's a lock on the gate...

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