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Paul's Conversion.

by Albert Watson

Gamaliel taught well educated,
Believers of the Way I hated.
A faithful man an Israelite,
What they taught could not be right.
And so to the city of the Damascenes,
With letters warning of those foul fiends.
To capture for high priestly court,
Be stoned, or their false faith abort.
With that cities walls in sight,
I fell from horse, a blinding light.
A voice spoke out; I could not see.
'Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?'
'Who are you Lord'? I questioning cried,
Then totally broken as the voice replied.
'I am Jesus whom you are persecuting'.
Aghast to think what I'd been refuting.
Taken into the city, now blind and in fear,
Suddenly in a vision, these words I did hear.
Ananias would come my sight be restored.
This was fulfilled as I now here record.
Entered the house put hands on my head,
These are the words Ananias then said,
"See again brother, be Spirit filled too
At your request we will now baptize you."
For several days citizens minds in a fog,
As I preach of Christ in their synagogue.
Some became angry at what I had taught,
Planning together, my death they now sort.
Then aware of their plot, I needed to flee,
My fellow believers they lowered me.
In a large basket via a hole in the wall,
Thus, I escaped from their murderous call.
My life's been transformed, to all I now say,
Jesus is Lord; He's the Life, Truth and Way.

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