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Proverbs 6--Principles for Success

by George Cuff

Many snares will trap a man and slowly cause him to smother.
One of them is when you agree to pay the debts of another.

If you have signed for another's debt with your name on the dotted line,
You have created a lingering threat that may last a very long time.

Take my advice and don't waste time, get off that debt load now.
You must not rest until it is done. Work hard to find a way how.

Many could learn from the ant these days about the rewards of hard work.
The ant does not lounge in a hazy daze scheming to gain more perks.

He labors all summer gathering food to prepare for winter's blast.
He is prepared for all that ensues until the cold weather has passed.

But you, O sluggard, lie on your bed thinking others should feed you.
You should be working every day to care for your kids who need you.

"A little slumber, a little more sleep, a folding of hands to rest."
That's a philosophy of deceit that surely will fail life's test.

There are six things that provoke the Lord. His anger shall rise like a flood:
Haughty eyes, a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood.

A wicked schemer, a dissolute man who is quick to embrace what is wrong;
A corrupt witness whose lying tongue continually sings a false song.

Wait, there's one more; here's number seven: God hates a contentious man
Who continually stirs up angry dissension any old way he can.

Well, my son, there is much to learn as we walk this journey on earth.
Working hard for what you earn will give you a sense of self worth.

Being an honest and humble man with industrious resolution
Is God's clear and successful plan for your social contribution.

Bind these thoughts around your neck; bury them deep in your heart,
For honor, blessings, peace, and joy such wisdom will surely impart.

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