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The Book

by Belinda van Rensburg

You'll do well to take a look
Within the pages of The Book
To find out where you're coming from;
To learn about God and His Son.

Inspired by the Holy Ghost
Guarded by the hallowed host;
Penned by men in bygone ages -
Prophets, poets, scribes and sages.

A record of God's awesome deeds,
Of human weaknesses and greed;
Of promises I Am has kept;
Of tears our Lord and Savior wept.

Helping souls to grow; mature
Whilst making our election sure.
Teaching us what not to do -
What is false and what is true.

The blueprint of God's glorious plan
For the heavens and for man.
Giving a glimpse into Christ's mind,
Restoring sight to souls born blind.

A Light unto God's children's feet
Each word illuminated; sweet,
Filling men with love and hope;
Helping those who read it cope.

The Word of God will guide us on
Until the final song's been sung;
Until the end of man and beast;
Until all life on Earth has ceased.

This poem was a finalist in the November 2010 poetry contest

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