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Already and Not Yet

by Sheila Bertrand

Within my soul, I find I cannot do what I would choose;
Indwelling sin, a ravening beast, constantly pursues

I struggle with my weakness; it gives me daily grief
My moral imperfections, my sinful unbelief

The flesh fights with the spirit, always wanting more of me
I cannot live at peace with it; I wrestle to be free

This tension in my heart permits me never to forget
The life I live remains between "already" and "not yet".

Already I've been justified, already born again
Already purchased by Your blood, no more a slave to sin

Already made a child, already set apart
Already brought to life again and given a new heart

But not yet fully holy, not yet completely free
Not yet purged of the presence of the sin that wars with me

Not yet arrived in glory, not yet rid of all tears
Not yet within the Presence that dispels all of my fears

One day "not yet" will be replaced at last by "It is done!"
One day, the battle's over, the war is finally won

One day I'll stand in purity before the great I AM
With every nation, tribe, and tongue, worshiping the Lamb.

This poem was a finalist in the November 2010 poetry contest

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