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Ship Wrecked

by Deborah Ann Belka

When the wind has been taken out,
from under the sails of your life.
And you're overcome by the high seas,
that are causing you so much strife.

When the boat that you're in,
springs a slow and steady leak.
And the waters you've been treading,
are making you feel faint and weak.

When the ship you've been steering,
turns into a total wreck.
And the life vest you've been wearing,
has you by the neck.

When all you have left is a dingy,
but the paddles can't be found.
And your longing for the safety,
that comes on sturdy solid ground.

When you're ready to give up,
and you're about to abandon ship.
Turn the helm over to Jesus,
and He will keep you in His grip!

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