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Fight The Good Fight

by Deborah Ann Belka

I fight not against the bait,
That is placed upon the hook.
But rather by Satan, who wants,
To keep me out of life's book.

I wrestle not against the helm,
That fights the winds at sea.
But rather by the gusts of sin,
That takes me far from Thee.

I struggle not against the will,
That is battled with each day.
But rather by its raging power,
That from God, forces me away.

I resist not against a world,
That can't see my point of view.
But rather by their defiance,
Of a Man they never knew.

I am up against a universe,
Made by God for man's delight.
Yet he opts to live in darkness,
Then to dwell in His saving light.

1 Timothy 6:12

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