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Only by God's power

by Janet Martin

Only by God's power
The dormant earth renews
Softened by the shower
And the kiss of morning dews

The seed within the earths recess
Once more begins to sprout
Stirred by heaven's tenderness
And spurred by nature's shout

Only by God's power
Breaks the dark and woody limb
As bud begins to flower
In a testament of Him

For though man gains great knowledge
There is nothing he can do
To draw the harvest from the earth
Or rain from skies of blue

Only by Gods power
Is true hope and grace restored
He touches every hour
With the whisper of the Lord

Only by God's power
When the way is dark and dim
Can we see the light of promise
As we lift our eyes to Him

This poem was a finalist in the May 2011 poetry contest

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