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The Harvest is Near

by Deborah Ann Belka

The fields are now ready,
the harvest is almost near
the seed has been planted
for every nation to hear.

The season is turning right,
the time is drawing close
soon our Savior will come
but the hour no one knows.

The Word has gone out,
the desert rose is a bloom
in God's heavenly mansion
there's still plenty of room.

The soil has been prepared,
the sacrifice has been made
the time is running out
for lost souls to be swayed.

The showers have increase,
the outpouring is on the rise
and the day Jesus comes
will be twinkling in our eyes.

The message of hope continues,
it will to the very end . . .
still we don't how much longer
the time ~ God plans to extend!

Matthew 24:36
King James Version

"But of that day and hour knoweth no
man, no, not the angels of heaven, but
my Father only."

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