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Lessons To Be Taught

by Deborah Ann Belka

Oh, conflicted soul be quieted,
don't you know it's for naught
battles won ~ battles lost
are lessons to be taught.

To the youth, as you once were,
the fight today is still the same
just a different time in space
with a new and modern name.

Speak the truth, do not deny,
the war that goes on and on
from generation to generation
or else the conflict won't be won.

Rebellion is the ammunition,
pride and greed the smoking gun
tis the same war against the Lord
as when the world first begun.

Lead the way, light the path,
guide the youth before they turn
to the world for their escape
lest in hell ~ they shall burn!

Psalm 33:11
King James Version

"The counsel of the Lord standeth for
ever,the thoughts of his heart to all

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