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The Softest Kiss

by Kathleen Higham

He comes and wakes me every day
Bringing me coffee to my bed
As I reach for my Bible
So many thoughts come in my head

And every morning I give to God
As I pray to know His Word
But today I feel a presence
It's the Little one I heard

She shyly opens up my door
And softly she says hey
Then climbing onto grandma's lap
Whispering happy mother's day

My heart is filled with love for her
As she cuddles close with me
And I close my Bible and stop my prayer
And her face is all I see

I ask God to forgive me
As my prayers are laid aside
Because this child that holds me close
Gives me joy that's undenied

And as I hear her sweet sweet voice
My God says don't you see
The child that you are holding
She is a part of Me

Then little arms embrace me
On my cheek the softest kiss
And God reminds me once again
Your prayers you did not miss

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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