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Poem: Faith!

by Joseph James Breunig 3rd

Help me Lord to focus solely on Thee!
Issues and challenges of Life come and go,
defining me with my soul's scarred essence.
Yet I remain, beneath Your heavenly flow!

Allow Your Presence to wash over me,
removing all evidence of sins' stains.
Continue breaking the ungodly links of…
the remnant of shackling, prisoner chains.

Open my eyes fully that I may see
the way You view me within Your Kingdom.
Let this divine, flooding confidence
gird me against… whatever may come.

Although Salvation, to me, was free;
I humbly acknowledge my Christ's pain.
Now the force of faith surges within me,
while knowing that… it can never be feigned!

Mark 11:22-24; Rom 4:17-22; Heb 10:35-39, 11

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