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Days That Never End

by MattLikesPenguins

God's only son at Calvary died, nailed upon a cross

He'd come to do his Fathers will, and seek those who were lost.

He had no money nor a home as he roamed from place to place

Spreading love, compassion, and most of all, the gift of Gods own grace

He taught and preached and healed the sick, while on this earth He trod

A sinless lamb for sinners died to bring us back to God.

Forgiveness of sins He freely gave to any who would receive

An eternal home in Heaven prepared for all who will believe

He left his glory and his throne when he came down from above

To die in agony in our place and prove the Fathers love.

He was mocked, murdered, and entombed, but in 3 days rose again

To pay the debt for all the world and save us from our sin.

Someday He will return for us, so we can be with Him

And live forever in His light in days that never end.

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