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Fight My Battles

by Joshua Batjer © 2019

It’s almost easy to forget about God, when life gives us the go around.
When that drawn out battle leaves us feeling defeated and broken down.
We get to the point of almost giving in to an unbelievers point of view.
Talking about, “God why are you allowing this? What do you plan to do?”

We put God behind us and try to achieve victory in our own name.
And when we fail, we get angry and look at God to take the blame.
When the struggle is overbearing, we revert to our pre-saved mentality.
We rely on our own strength, and turn on Jesus like He’s the enemy.

But, our enemy is not of this world, and our mind is the spiritual battlefield.
And we can’t expect a victory when our best weapon is never revealed.
Our natural battles are constantly being fought in the supernatural realm.
Just because we can’t see it, we can trust that Jesus will never underwhelm.

We have to remember to don the armor of God, whenever we feel surrounded.
For when that day of evil comes, it is the only way we will ever feel grounded.
Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist.
And constantly ensure the breastplate of righteousness is securely placed.

For the devil will attack from any direction and sometimes unexpectedly.
But with proper use of the armor of God, in seven directions he must flee.
Keep your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
Preach the good news, reminding the devil he’s here on month to month lease.

Take up the shield of faith, extinguishing the flaming arrows of the evil one.
When properly raised up, our faith can cease an attack before its even begun.
Keep the helmet of salvation secure, by faithfully following and obeying the Lord.
And claim victory over the enemy daily by constantly meditating on God’s word.

God’s word is truth, and lack of knowledge in it, can ultimately destroy us.
So, by taking up the sword of the spirit, you can be nothing but victorious.
Have faith like David, who showed up to Elah with only cheese and bread.
Saying “the battle is the Lord’s,” he walked out of there with Goliath’s head.

Have faith like Daniel did, when king Darius threw him into the lion’s den.
Solely because he chose to pray to God, rather than bowing down to men.
Increase your faith level to that of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
Who didn’t waiver when Nebuchwhatever was trying to play hot potato.

Worship and praise Him, even write songs about Him like Miriam and Moses.
When we choose to exalt Him, Heaven rejoices and hell progressively closes.
The Lord is a warrior, and Lord is His name, and His business is destroying enemies.
I mean, with a simple raise of His right hand, He just nonchalantly parts red seas.

No matter what storms we go through, we must have an undefeated mindset.
Because God has never lost a battle, and the devil will never be a threat.
So, when the waves rise, don’t try to walk on that water by yourself.
Turn to The Word that sits on a throne and not on a dusty bookshelf.

Be a saint when it comes to Jesus, but be a beast when it comes to the devil.
You can figuratively stomp him out, when you literally raise your faith level.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing from the word of God on a daily basis.
Hunger for Jesus is the best way to regularly interrupt Satan's homeostasis.

Put God back in front, following Him closely towards your destiny and victory.
Towards a life of pure joy, confidence, wholeness, blessings, and prosperity.
We are more than conquerors through Him, as stated in Romans 8 verse 37.
So, convince yourself that no devil can separate you from our God in Heaven.

Romans 3:23; 6:23; 5:6-8; 10:9-10; 8:1; 4:6-8

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