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by Colin Moffett

I know o Lord of your great love
The home prepared for me above
I know my name you did record
But I often wonder; why me Lord

That you took the time to answer prayer
When I called your name you were there
But should I really wonder why
As I imagine you reply

Why, my child, you believed my word
You called on me; forgive me Lord
I redeem the repentant; it’s what I do
I save the sinner so why not you?

Because my child I love your soul
Through my dear Son I made you whole
You wonder why I performed this task
It’s because I do what I promise and you did ask

Then why me Lord in serving you
You have me doing the things I do
But then I know with a talent given
An account of its use must be told in Heaven

So in humble prayer I did implore
Lord for your service use me more
So why should I wonder when you put me to task
For you only answered prayer when I did ask

I hear you whisper when I am quiet and still
You, my child, just do my will
Never doubt the things I ask you to do
I could have asked of others but I have chosen you

Just follow me and heed my voice
Where I have you at; it is my choice
When you do my will and obey my word
No need to ask of me; why me Lord?

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