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by T Rock © 2021

In truth, man can be the most wicked, hateful,
and cruel creatures on this earth
No, not preordained, for He created us in His image
and we are all precious in His sight at birth

He gives all of us a choice,
yet some still choose to walk a treacherous path
Even knowing that deep down in their soul,
evil intent is wrong, and it may invoke His wrath

Not out of hate or vengeance but holiness
and divine retribution for one's transgressions
That which with salvation could be lessened,
with sincere and heartfelt confessions

As in scripture, it is a statement regarded as just,
proper, and the natural expression of God
Not unlike our own, we are His children,
and there is profound wisdom in not sparing the rod

His punishment manifests itself against the willful,
the deliberate, inexcusable sin of mankind
God's righteousness must be recognized,
and with His commandments, we must align

So, never forget that God is our Father,
and we must accept the punishment from above
For the Lord will smite the wicked and ungodly,
but only disciplines those He calls son, out of love

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