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Who is a Hero?

by Deborah Russell

There once was a man with a scar, named Mac,
Who lived in an old and broken down shack.
He had no living kith or kin,
Or so he would say now and again.

Neither man, nor beast for him did care,
Much less with him would others share;
And he was taunted by the youth,
Abused with words so vile---uncouth.

They little knew God's plan for him...
Their Christian views were rather dim.
This fellow's heart was good, whereby
His actions would not harm a fly.

Self-righteous folks stepped to the side
When he drew near to go inside.
He wasn't known to curse or bellow,
Yet no one offered him a "Hello!"

Well aware was Mac, of the many frowns
Directed at him by most folks in town.
They thought his stories a pack of lies,
And cared not to listen in any wise.

Then came the day when a sweet little boy,
Dashed out in the street to catch his favorite toy.
A car, driven fast, bore down upon him,
While those who looked on were frozen of limb!

Yet faster than thought did Mac intervene,
And rescued the child from the merciless machine.
By pushing him out of the vehicle's path...
Though losing his life in the grim aftermath.

Love greater than this has seldom been shown:
To put other's lives ahead of one's own!
Thus Mac did show forth a true Christian's treasure:
Mercy, Forbearance, and love in great measure!

Yes, this is a tale of remorse, as it be...
Yet also a lesson, if we will but see.
Be not quick to judge with self-righteous hearts,
Else God will judge us the same way, for our parts.

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