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Ever So Slowly

by T Rock

Cherish the life He gave, for there will not be another
Recall blessings, like the love received from your mother
Savor the laughter, the times with family and good friends
Honor all lives, those that end, and when a new one begins

Let go of the spite and absolve all things that need forgiving
Yes, stand up to hate, and the evil abusers of the living
Help the frail, the sick, and the poor who call out and plead
Show love, without caution, and open your arms to all in need

Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life
Renew your thoughts and attitudes, forget the days of strife
Release your fears and bury the anger that invites the devil
Let everything you say be good to increase the Spirit's level

He chose you even before you were born as one of His own
Knew you would ask Him to forgive the seeds you had sown
Receive the grace, His greatest gift, one you never earned
Avoid losing a soul; the damnation of a body forever burned

Seek Jesus as your Savior and lay down your confessions
Forgive others as God has forgiven all your transgressions
Feel the energy; His Spirit placed within a vessel that breathes
The hope and love found inside are brighter in one that believes

You are a child of God with a nature that is righteous and holy
With each step, you will become like the Son, ever so slowly
Shout halleluiah for the glorious life He has breathed in you
Saved for the day of redemption to join Him in a sky forever blue

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