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by Peter the Poet © 2001

The work of the Lord to be done on the world,
Requires special tradesmen's tools.
They're sought after and kept as the rarest pearl,
More precious than gold or jewels.

The Word of Wisdom that interprets God's will,
Shows a clear path to walk.
Divine power to solve problems without pencil or quill,
Knowledge applied well in spiritual talk.

The Word of Knowledge that gives us the facts,
It brings revelation and aid.
Giving understanding and courage when the enemy attacks,
Our fears and misgivings are allayed.

Faith is the rock which supports our belief,
God is believed without doubt.
Adversity flees, faith keeps it's reign brief,
Unbelief cannot stand, the enemy is thrown out.

Now Healings bring glory to God through his grace,
The crippled and lame are made whole.
The sick and diseased need to seek the Lord's face,
And their bodies are healed with their souls.

The Working of Miracles puts all evil to shame,
The power of God most high.
The captives bonds fall under Heavenly flame,
intervention for good, proves the Lord's day is nigh.

The Prophesy gift gives us words from our Lord,
Information proclaimed in God's name.
The Holy Spirit speaking against the dark horde,
Edification to some, to others blame.

The Discerning of Spirits is a weapon of war,
A spiritual radar to warn.
Why fight in the dark, there's light at the door,
In the realm of the Spirits, we act as God's pawn.

Now Tongues is a gift that some can't swallow,
It's a language unknown to the speaker.
Holy Spirit inspired speech, we should gladly follow,
For edification and better prayer be a seeker.

Interpretation of Tongues reveals hidden meaning,
For the gain and advantage of all.
It comes from the Lord and not man's thinking,
As a sign it breaks through unbelief's wall.

Use your gifts often for God's greater glory,
Keep the tools of the trade at the ready.
Adapt your life to the Jesus story,
And in the church be a rock, strong and steady.

What a force for the Lord we would be if we could have all these spiritual gifts. Lets not spend time developing our gifts, but get out and use them. That's what they are given to us for. These valuable gifts are available to us for our own edification as well as being convincing signs to unbelievers.

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