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by Peter the Poet © 2001

Repent and return to me says the Lord of Hosts,
And I'll return to you.
For your ways cease when you give up the ghost,
Then my statutes and rules overtake you,

I will be merciful and remember no sin,
Cast out those who torment and chasten.
I'll be a wall of protection. Be certain to win,
The fall of all evil I'll hasten.

My servant the branch will save you from Hell,
My Spirit will strengthen and guide.
Dishonesty and theft I will curse and dispel,
Wickedness I will seal up and hide.

The Lord says my judgement will fall on all men,
To the four winds my Spirit will reap.
Chances you've had again and again,
So be watchful, alert and don't sleep.

The choice is now yours to live or to die,
Let your blood be upon your own head.
If you don't change your ways the Heavens will cry,
And under the Lord's foot you'll be tread.

Based on the eight visions of Zechariah, this is a perfect example of the Lords mercy and love for all his people. He gives hope and promise to the most evil of us if we would only repent and return to his ways. How can one refuse such a generous offer from an all powerful, holy God?

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