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The Weakening

by Chris Huffman

There was a man a long time ago
He lived a terrible terrible life
He walked with his head in the clouds
And his body full of strife

His thoughts were full of hate
He fought with everything that was good
He sweat and bled in sin
Resisting God as much as he could

But one day he met a girl
She had a kind and gentle heart
She told him one day how Jesus loved him
But he told her to go away right from the start

The girl felt deep sorrow for him
But the man didn't really care
He continued in his sinful ways
Doing things he shouldn't dare

While the Devil watched with joy
The girl became more persistent
The power of the Holy Spirit filling her
His heart became less resistant

And as time moved on
Satan began to lose his power
His hold on the man
Soon began to cower

Day after day night after night
Jesus knocked and knocked
Finally the man opened his heart
And Jesus was no longer blocked

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